Hurlstone Interact Execs

This page is an archive of a list of Hurlstone Interact Executives. The year refers to the graduating year of the cohort, although the term for an Interact Executive is from August year 10 to August year 12. (So an executive who was in the class of 2015 would have served from August 2013 to August 2015).

Where an Executive did not serve the full two year term, this has been recorded. Typically, this is due to an Executive being elected in year 10, and they transferred schools. A new Executive would then be elected for the remainder of the term.
Missing Data: If you found a mistake or missing execs, or have a list of execs for a grade not listed here, I would love to hear from you! Email: [email protected]


Anna Tran
Julia Tran
Lawrence Xu
Ying Tran
Nicholas Tan


Virginia Kong
Diana Nguyen
Hillary Nguyen
Kathy Quach
Christina Wu


Rob Abergas
Jessica Chuor
Holly Huynh
William Xu
Precy Zea
Anne Tran (year 12)


Alison Tran
Sylvina Luu
Alex Qiu
Krisha Umali
Andy Huynh
Trixia Ramos


Danny Ng
Lisa Le
Oshanie Hettiarachchige
Ryan Southwell
Sadia Qureshi
Shishira Bindiganavile
Vanessa Khuu (year 10)


Ping Sheng
Charissa Liew
Lynn Nguyen
Khang Nguyen
Raajon Sen
Sylvia Lim (year 10)


Kylie Nguyen
Jenny Lam
Nidhi Chowkira
Courtney Chhor
Octavia Chandler
An Le


Tommy Lam
Aksita Deo
Bianca Tran-Lam
Cassie Bush
Catherine Nguyen
Sienna O�Dea


Ella Colville
Stephanie Chung
Hannah Wu
Lauran Tien
Jay Hegde
Elizabeth Nguyen