Jonathan's stuff

Hi I'm Jono. I'm a software engineer working on AI agents to prioritise, triage and fix security vulnerabilities.

Outside of coding and maths, I like kpop and frequently go on world tours. My fancams tend to be well known.

Hurlstone related stuff I attended Hurlstone about a decade ago and this page was created during that time with some files and things for my friends. I'll leave this up here in case current students/teachers are curious about what life was like during that time.
HAHS Timetable - this used to countdown to the bell within one second. Since I left, I have not updated this or calibrated this
Graph showing Hurlstone's HSC ranking
Lyrics to "12 Days of Hurlstone Christmas"
A map of the school, showing classrooms (may be outdated due to recent construction work)
A Google Street View style tour of the school
HAHS orchestra events, tours, and musicals
HAHS School Song - parts for orchestra
Some Old Stuff (made obsolete)

Archive info
Archive of newsletters and other letters
Archive of Annual School Reports
History of Hurlstone Prefects
History of Hurlstone's Musicals
History of Hurlstone's Interact Execs
History of Hurlstone's Enviro Execs

Other things
Covid Purity Test - like the Rice Purity test but for covid
Train locations
Today's Fire Danger Rating (Sydney region) (outdated)
music stuff
Articles about Selective Schools
SGHS - Some information on SGHS. School song. Graph showing the school ranking
Codenames (Board game) - A tool to assist players in making decisions for the boardgame codenames